


Can I Use CBD Around My Kids?

can kids take cbd

Is CBD Oil Safe For Kids?

Mark Pennington jeopardized his child custody after unknowingly exposing his 2-year-old son to Marijuana’s intoxicating and Federally illegal compound – THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). 

Mark, who himself worked for a CBD company, has been administering a type of CBD-infused honey product to his son. However, unlike THC, CBD or cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound and shouldn’t relatively cause accidental intoxication or harm. 

As a parent, one of our utmost goals is to secure a safe environment for our kids. So, should we be worried about taking CBD while our kids are around?

What Is CBD And Its General Safety Profile?

CBD is a cannabinoid extracted from the same plant (mainly from a cannabis variety; hemp) where the intoxicating compound THC also naturally occurs.

CBD is everywhere. From bars to dispensaries, it’s being offered in various forms such as creams, tinctures, vaping concentrates, and even gummies. Touted for its vast benefits, CBD’s therapeutic potential is hyped within the medical community and its users. 

Is CBD Safe?

The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and the WHO (World Health Organization) recognize the explosion in the “unsanctioned” medical uses of CBD.

After reviewing CBD’s safety and effectiveness,
the WHO concluded that “CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile.” 

The WHO also noted that any adverse effects elicited by CBD could be from an interaction between the compound and a certain patient’s existing medication. 

Is CBD Consumption Safe For Kids?

“The biggest problem is there’s a lot that we still need to know, especially in kids,” says Paul Mitrani, a clinical psychiatrist at the Child Mind Institute. He also added, “In regards to treating mental health disorders in children and adolescents, there’s a lack of evidence to support its use.”

Here are some of the expressed concerns regarding giving CBD to kids:

  • There are unreliable, un-screened CBD products available in the market that may be giving inconsistent amounts of cannabinoids. Worse, some violate the 0.3% THC threshold.

  • Very little is known about how much CBD is absorbed and how impactful its effects are in the body. Additionally, if there is no universal CBD dosing for adults, there is also a lot of dosing guesswork for children.

  • There is little clinical literature discussing how CBD affects a developing child’s brain.

  • CBD may be safe itself but if taken with certain medications, it might yield some unwanted side effects.

  • A child might develop a tolerance for CBD if taken consistently and for a long time.

  • The legality of CBD is still on the rocks. CBD derived from hemp with a 0.3% THC content or less is Federally legal. However, contradicting state laws might still impact the legality of CBD use.

  • The FDA has always been clear about its stance on CBD products (even the ones legally extracted from hemp) – marketed CBD products cannot claim to have therapeutic benefits or be sold as dietary supplements unless the FDA approves them for that use.

    “The FDA has approved only one CBD product, a prescription drug product to treat seizures associated with Lennox Gastaut syndrome (LGS), Dravet syndrome (DS), or tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) in people one year of age and older.”

Will CBD Make Me And My Child High?

No. CBD per se can’t cause a high for both adults and children. 

Even if some CBD products may contain other cannabinoids such as THC, as long as the THC content stays at 0.3%, it can’t intoxicate a person. 

If you’re absolutely adamant about only having CBD and not risking accidentally giving THC to your child’s system, choose products labelled “CBD isolate or Broad Spectrum.”

Is There A Law Prohibiting Me To Take CBD While My Kids Are Around?

Federally, no, but please check with your local state laws. 

There are instances where the use of hemp and CBD products could affect child custody. The issues lie in the testing methods for marijuana.

To test positive for marijuana use, the existing THC levels in your system should be above the cut-off amount. Therefore, if you’re confident the CBD product does not have any traces of THC, you shouldn’t be worried about testing marijuana positive.

If you’re in the middle of a child custody battle, it’s best to not take CBD and other THC-related products entirely. If taking CBD is necessary, let your attorney know about:

  • The last time you used
  • How much you have used 

What To Do To Prevent Kids From Tampering With Your CBD Products?


  1. Choose CBD products with child-proof packaging.


  2. Keep your CBD products out of your child’s reach and sight. Some CBD products, especially gummies, are attractive enough to earn a kid’s attention.  

Pick a storage place where it’s too high for your child to reach and see. Some kids are clever enough to climb. So avoid putting your stuff above the toilet or countertops. Locked medicine cabinets are your best bet.

  1. Put your CBD products away every time after use. Never leave them unattended or uncapped because of convenience.


  2. Educate your kids about CBD safety. Explain to them that you’re the only one that’s supposed to take the product. Or, if you’re administering CBD to your kids too – tell them that you’re the only one that is supposed to give it to them. 

Are There Kid-Friendly CBD Products Out There?

Yes. Scour online CBD stores like that of Direct CBD Online or MelaMed CBD for kid-friendly CBD products. 

If you’re looking for CBD products to give to your kids, the most convenient ones are CBD gummies. They’re flavorful, candy-like enough to be dismissed as sugary delights and not the dreaded bitter medicine. 


Can I use CBD around my kids? Absolutely but use CBD with caution, especially if you have an ongoing child custody battle or other legal-related disputes where drug tests are impactful. 

Be responsible enough to prevent the accidental administration of CBD on your kids, especially if the CBD products weren’t meant to be taken by them in the first place. Otherwise, enjoy using safe and quality CBD products. 

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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